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Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-04-29  |  57KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (255 colors)
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OCR: The Tests Panel The Tests panel of the Control Chart dialog has set of check boxes for selecting one or mo tests for special causes also called the Western Electric rules to appear as labels on the control chart selected test is positive, the last point in the test pattern ic labeled with the test numbe more than one test positive ar particular point, the point is labeled with the first test you specified The following rules apply to each test: The area between the upper and lower limits divided into six zones, each with a width one standard deviation. .The zones are labeled B,C,C,B,A with Zones c nearest the center line A point lies Zone beyonaf IT lies beyond the line separating zones and B Any point lying on line separating two zones lies in or beyond the innermost zone Tests through ap ...